Saturday, February 6, 2010

As if it wasn't bad enough already...

Honestly, how many people are actually laughing out loud when they say that?
As if it wasn't overused enough, there are now "cute spin-offs" of LOL.
For example: lols, lolz, or (my personal favorite) luls.
Luls? What does THAT mean? Lying under little spinach? Living until llamas sleep? Leather underwear limits socks?
Once you figure it out, please let me know...


  1. Um, I'm totally laughing out loud when I type that. As in, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Like that.

  2. And I think "luls" is actually short for "more than one lullaby." As in, "Luls, your inane comment was so boring that it turned me into an instant narcoleptic!"

  3. if only there was abbrev for narcoleptic!
